Sunday, July 10, 2011

Built in Bookcase/Beading Area

Jason has been working on our built in bookcases for a bit now and they are almost done!  As you see in this picture they take up the one wall from the window (cubbie on side of front door), there is a chair that sits up by the windows, need a light to go there and a matching one of sewing area in the other cubbie.
This is the section up near the windows, it's hard to tell looking straight at it but the bookcase is narrower, 7in up by the window and expands out to 10 inches.
 This is the section that is closer to the stairs, by the stair side it starts out at 7in and expands to 10 in.
 A better view of the bookcase.

There is still one more section to go up, in the open section in the center just at the top, there will be two shelves to connect the two pieces and the bottom will stay open as a bench seat.  The girls and I painted 3 pictures to hang on the wall in the bench section.  Hopefully it will all be done tomorrow and we can get the rest of the books up plus put up some of Jason's ceramic eagles.  

And I can't forget the "bar" area that Jason is converting to my beading/jewelry area.  Right now I do all of it in our bedroom and my supplies sit in the closet, not the best spot!

Sink is already out in this picture...

And everything but the counter and cabinet is out in this one:

Eventually, there will be a new counter top that sits higher than this one so I can sit in an existing bar stool type chair and Jason is going to install organizers for all the beads that will be sat into the wall.  I can't wait!

It's taken a while but the new house is finally starting to feel like a home. <3

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