Saturday, July 23, 2011

An Old Poem of Mine

I've been going through all my files on my back up drive today (Jason had to reload my computer a while ago and I'm just getting to going through all the stuff!) and I found a poem that I had to write in a Lit class in high school.  I loved this particular class as the teacher was so different from all the other English teachers we had and I was a sophomore in a junior class too.  I was so shy at the time and I remember being very nervous having to get up in front of the class to read my poem in front all these kids that I didn't know, I still hate group speaking to this day!  Enough babbling, here is the poem....

I Am...

I  am  a  writer  of  life.
To  impose  perplexity  of  words
On  delicate  white  paper
Like  to  show  the  cold,  black,  dreary
Elements  of  life
Hidden  in  words.

As  an  innocent  child
I  wrote  with  crayons.
Like  me  they  were  naive
I  would  write  with  big ,  harsh  letters
My  lines  would  never  be  straight
My  words  saying  what  they  meant
My  mind  untainted ;
Words  of  happiness.

A  little  older  now, I  write  with  ink
Knowing  that  not  every  word  has  to  be
          Of  happiness,
And  that  I  am  not  so  innocent  to  life
And  that  my  writing  doesn't  have  to  say
           What  it  means.
I  no  longer  write  in  big , harsh  letters
Words  gently  laid  upon  the  paper.

My  writing  has  changed
And  I  have  changed.
I  will  write  until  my  words  no
     longer  make  sense -
The  day  when  my  ashes  mix  with the  land.

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